Mike Albanese
Grand App
We have worked with Silicon Prime since January of 2019 and have found them to be wonderful partners. We are constantly amazed at their professionalism and attention to detail, and how they consistently show the same amount of pride for the product as we do. This work ethic also applies to code reviews, security and general testing. We know that if they are working on it, it will be thought through, and built with intention. They also communicate very well, and manage to work effectively across time zones. We look forward to working with them for a long time to come.
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The Client.
GRAND is one of the pioneering mobile apps in America that makes saving money more gratifying. Based upon the Prize-Linked Savings (PLS) concept, the app gives its end users a lottery-like experience by incentivizing them for every saved dollar. Amid today’s lackluster bank interest rates, GRAND’s platform is an innovative way to encourage Americans especially millennials to save more while having some fun with cash prizes.
The Challenge.
During the initial stages, GRAND primarily relied on its in-house development team. As the product matured, the demands for new features, updates, and bug fixing started arising. Besides, security is paramount to user acquisition and retention. Every user’s login account is linked to their bank account, extra steps must be taken to ensure all data are secured throughout the entire user experience.

The Process.
GRAND approached SiliconPrime to overhaul its existing apps and enhance user experience to meet increasing expectation for a clean functionality. Skilled developers at SiliconPrime strategically restructured its back-end to remodel key features like dashboard display, recurring savings, prize drawings, in-app referral programs, etc.
Embraced less-is-more belief, the development team simplified certain features, making the user experience less complicated and more enjoyable. SiliconPrime also ensured the security of the users’ data, so that the saving process is safer, easier, and more fun.
The Impact.
GRAND has successfully released new versions on both Apple store and Google Play. The simplified features enable users to start saving money right after download without any tutorials. The impacts have been incredible. GRAND’s user base has exponentially grown from 5,000 to 30,000—a 600% increase in just very short time. The app’s performance was boosted, the delay time was reduced by 80% while security was highly maintained. Overall, GRAND achieved business goals by giving its users delight experiences of saving money.
The Technologies.